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2nd Week of Advent: WATCH

Have you ever been going somewhere and autopilot just kicked in and before you know it you're at your destination and you're like, wait... how did I get here? Yeah, me too.

Sometimes we are so caught up in our thoughts, our mental to-do list, listening to music, etc. that we aren't paying attention to what we're doing. Today's theme is WATCH.

Watch where you're going. It kind of can go with one of last week's themes-- focus. This Advent challenge yourself to watch and focus on what it is we're waiting for this Christmas.

In the second reading from Mass this week, St. Peter writes,

"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief,and then the heavens will pass away with a mighty roar and the elements will be dissolved by fire,and the earth and everything done on it will be found out."

If there is fire and a mighty roar it's a lot easier to pay attention. But Christmas isn't about a roar and fire, it's about a baby coming into the world in a small town, in a stable, to a teenage mother and a carpenter. Nothing about that screams "watch this!"

It's our job to watch for the ways to prepare our hearts for Christmas, so challenge yourself this Advent to not just go through the motions, not to cruise through on autopilot; challenge yourself to watch and pay attention to the journey towards Christmas. How is God preparing you?

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